She's a fighter
Chicago, IL
May 26, 2024
On March 27th, a young Afro-Latina boxer was crowned champion in the all-female category at Washington Park. As a follow-up to this story, Alonso attended the event, capturing the excitement and pride through interviews, photos, and videos. His work, featured in La DePaulia, continued to highlight the stories of resilient individuals fighting for recognition and equality.
El 27 de marzo, una joven boxeadora afrolatina fue coronada campeona en la categoría femenina en Washington Park. Como seguimiento a esta historia, Alonso asistió al evento, capturando la emoción y el orgullo a través de entrevistas, fotos y videos. Su trabajo, publicado en La DePaulia, continuó destacando las historias de individuos resilientes que luchan por el reconocimiento y la igualdad.
‘She’s a fighter’: Young Afro-Latina boxer crowned champion in all-female category in Washington Park
May 26, 2024

Ivy Jones trains on the speed bag in Simon’s Park Boxing Gym on April 8, 2024.
When Ángel Ocasio started coaching boxing at Simon’s Park eight months ago, Ivy Jones, 11, was the only girl registered.
Even though Jones was involved in a sport mostly surrounded by boys, she was named champion in her category. Her win exemplifies that girls can succeed in boxing despite their young age.
“She [Jones] knows now that she can compete with the boys. She had to spar, she had no other choice, and not all the boys took it easy because they knew they couldn’t,” Ocasio said. “She’s feisty. She’s a fighter…they had to take her seriously" ...